Adding value to the client is delivered with greater transparency. Clients can expect a bespoke turnkey service from beginning to end with straight talking and the highest level of hands-on support and advice for Residential Sales in Dublin City and South Suburbs. The detailed level of customer service goes way beyond the traditional marketing of a property and negotiation of pricing. Clients have 24hr access to an online portal to view progress updates on the sale, e.g. latest correspondence from purchaser’s solicitor so you (the vendor) are kept fully up to speed as to where the responsibility lies ahead of your closing date. We combine a first class personal service with a user friendly platform that clients can access at their convenience.

Sheridan Estates access off-market opportunities, otherwise unavailable to the client, from built up relationships with private property owners and property agencies. Our core focus is delivering on the agreed strict search criteria, no exceptions. The typical client profile includes a senior management executive who is attracted to the concept of acquiring an investment property but lacks the time to execute. The search criteria can be broken down with reference to client preferences, which can be influenced by our advice on current market trends and our own in-house investments. We would be happy to expand further on a potential acquisition; this includes outlining the costs (straightforward and hidden) associated with a property investment purchase from surveyor fees through to repairs & maintenance and local property tax as well as providing a sample Income v Expenditure report using the agreed search criteria.

We would love to hear from you.